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365 Days in Horse Country – Drill Teams

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | September 28th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Drill Teams


Go to just about any major horse event, and you’ll see a drill team performing on horseback.  Drill teams are usually twelve or more riders who perform as a group in a series of patters, to music.  Drill teams sometimes carry flags, and they always wear matching uniforms.  Horses in a drill team may be e same breed or colour, but they may also be a variety of breeds and colours. 

Drill teams give exhibitions at equine events. Ride parades, and attend competitions.  For a horse to be part of a drill team, she has to be well trained enough to perform reliably at the trot and canter, and be willing to work calmly around other horses. 

Drilling on horseback is an enjoyable activity.  You get to work as part of a team while teaching your horse to be more obedient.  You also make new friends and learn a new sport in the process.

