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Believe: A Holiday Wish

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | December 20th, 2013

Believe: A Holiday Wish

As many of you who know me, already know, “believe” is a word that I use often.  In fact, as the ever-optimistic person I am, it is has become a state of being.  In my view, the word “believe” is at the root of all faith and its powers are beyond all comprehension. 

I believe in believing, and I believe in it so passionately, that it is a word that is ever-present in my life; oftentimes even appearing in my advertising….. or even on my tree as evidenced by this photograph.  This is not a coincidence and nor is it a random convergence of variables; rather, it is a deliberate act that speaks to a desire to be bigger than the sum of my parts…. a view that I believe all we humans have in common.

As the holiday season draws ever closer, I am reminded of a need to believe more than ever before.  In so saying, I wish belief for each of you.  May each of you come to know its capacity and may each of you continue to feel its blessings.  May we all continue to believe in believing, and may we all continue to believe in each other.

Happy Holidays!
