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365 Days in Horse Country – Wind Horse

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | September 14th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Wind Horse



Horses have often inspired spirituality through the ages.  A symbol called the Wind Horse has found its way into both Buddhism and Native American religions.

In the Buddhist faith, the Wind Horse represents one of the cardinal directions.  This symbol originated with the Asian shamanistic faith of Bon.  In Tibetan Buddhism, its appearance bespeaks peace, harmony, and wealth.  The Wind Horse is involked in the mornings and during the harvest.

The Wind Horse appears on the coat of arms of Mongolia, and it has wings that help it sail over a green mountain range.

In Choctaw legend, the Wind Horse was a noble creature filled with love and kindness who spent his time helping people who were sick or injured.  One day, he met a young boy who was born with only one foot.  The child had been abandoned in the forest and no one loved him.  Wind horse grew to love the boy and carried him away to the Hunting Grounds, giving up his own freedom to spend eternity with his young friend.

