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365 Days in Horse Country – Horse Toys

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | November 16th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Horse Toys



Some older horses don’t seem to mind just standing around, but if you have a young horse, or one that is young at heart, consider providing him with some toys to keep him amused when he’s not working.

Horse toys come in all forms, from edible treats to things he can push with his nose or pull with his teeth.  Both types hang from the ceiling, and the edible toys require the horse to work to get at the food attached to the toy.

Mouthy horses particularly like toys that are designed to be picked up.  Balls with handles on them are a favourite. (Some horses have been seen tossing these toys and chasing them.)  Large toy balls are meant to be bitten at or pushed, and they double as a great despooking item.  They help your horse feel confident around a large, unfamiliar object.

Go to a tack store or shop online and peruse the horse toys available in your price range.  Think about your horse’s personality to figure out which ones are most suited to him.  If your budget is small, consider making your own toys.  A lot of horses love construction cones and can play for hours picking them up and tossing them around.  Or, you can devise a contraption that you can attach to your horse’s stall to keep him amused, as long as it’s safe.  Use your imagination and have some fun with it!

