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365 Days in Horse Country - The Inauguration

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | April 13th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country - The Inauguration


Those of you who know me, know that I grew up in small-town Ontario, and in the heart of horse country.  Like so many small-town folks, the allure of the big city can be rather hard to ignore at times, and like so many of my rural friends, I too succumbed to the romanticism of the big city; making the pilgrimage to the bright lights and the vibrant  hum.  I spent many years in Toronto, and while this world- class city holds a very special place in my heart, this horse-loving country boy never really fit in.  One fine day, I was struck, like lightening, by an epiphany; Michael, it’s time to return home to your roots.  Shortly after my revelation, I began my quest to find a suitable rural property for myself and my horses.  After a long and arduous process, I eventually found the perfect property; one that would satisfy my needs, as well as those of my hoofed companions.  I haven’t looked back and life couldn’t be any more gratifying.  Horse folks are an unusual breed; passionate about their horses and deeply connected to the ways of rural life.  With all of this said, and in homage to my love of horses and wide-open spaces, I have decided to launch a new blog series; “365 Days in Horse Country”.  In this new series, I will be showcasing all of the wonderful things that this lifestyle has to offer; be that through the offering of some horse care tips, advice on how to go about finding your own rural retreat, tips on how to keep your property in tip-top condition, or simply by sharing some irresistible snap-shots taken on my travels to other equine properties.  Should any of you have suggestions for the blog series, or wish for me to address specific subjects that are of interest to you, please feel free to email me at michael@michaelstuartwebb.com
