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365 Days in Horse Country - Equine Allergies

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | May 20th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country –  Equine Allergies


Horses can develop allergies much like people can.  They can be allergic to something in the air, something they are eating, or something that is coming into contact with their skin.

Your horse probably has allergies if he is coughing a lot, breathing loudly, has hives on his skin, or gets frequent diarrhea or loose stool.  You should have your veterinarian take a look at your horse if he is exhibiting any of these signs.

If allergies are the culprit, your vet can give you suggestions on how to deal with the allergies.

Soaking your horses hay is one remedy if dust is causing your horse to have breathing problems.  If your horse is allergic to something he’s eating, your vet will suggest that you gradually switch him to a different kind of hay.  Hives can be the result of airborne allergens, as well as diet, and they can be treated with doses of steroids.

But not all itchy skin is caused by allergies.  Flies are another cause of hives and itchy skin, and should be kept at bay with good a good fly control program.

