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365 Days in Horse Country – Chiropractic Treatment for Horses

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | July 23rd, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Chiropractic Treatment for Horses



Horse are great candidates for chiropractic treatments.  Equine chiropractic therapies are based on the theory that spinal and joint dysfunction can affect the overall physical well-being of horses.  Chiropractors believe that the spine and all its associated structures (including nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and ligaments) can be helped by chiropractic treatments.

Chiropractic therapies are used to help ho0rses heal from injuries, especially those that result from compensatory issues.  In other words, if one part of the horse’s body hurts or is weak, he will put more pressure on other parts to compensate.  The part that is used to compensate will then develop its own problems.

Veterinary chiropractors adjust a horse’s spine, just like regular chiropractors do for humans.  This helps to restore proper alignment and return the horse’s normal range of motion, which relieves pain and enhances the horse’s health.

Some chiropractors who work on horses have veterinary degrees, while others do not.  Many veterinarians recommend only using chiropractors with veterinary degrees because these individuals have a very thorough, working knowledge of the entire body.  This said, many horse owners use non-degreed equine chiropractors and report excellent results.


