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365 Days in Horse Country – Wear a Helmet!

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | July 13th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Wear a Helmet!

Galloping along with the wind blowing through your flowing locks certainly is a romantic notion, and the freedom of not being constrained a rather a nice feeling.  While safety equipment isn’t terribly sexy, neither is a hospital room or a casket.

It’s unfortunate but true that head injuries are all to common among equestrians.  When you fall from a horse, the chances of hitting your head are great.  Although our skulls are hard and do a lot to protect us, the impact is often enough to cause serious damage, and even death.

For this reason it’s best to play it safe and always don protective headgear before you ride.  Helmet manufacturers have developed some innovative, streamlined, and fashionable designs that are much more attractive than models of the past, and they are also much more comfortable as well.

When shopping for a helmet, look for one that is certified by a reputable safety organization.  In Canada protective equipment must be certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and must bear that CSA mark.  In the United States, protective equipment must be certified by the American Society for Testing and Materials and the Safety Equipment Institute (ASTM and SEI respectively) and bear their marks.  These certifications are necessary to ensure that the helmet will protect you in the event of a fall.

Tomorrow, we will discuss the correct fit!

