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365 Days in Horse Country – Natural Living

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | August 21st, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Natural Living

The trend toward living naturally is well established in humans, and it’s starting to take hold in the horse world, too. With horses, this trend is not just about natural supplements and organic food.  It’s all about daily lifestyle.

Researchers have studied wild horses to learn how nature designed horses to live.  They discovered that wild equines don’t need their feet trimmed or shod, they don’t need their teeth floated, and they rarely suffer from lameness or colic.  The conclusion many horse people have come to as a result of these observations is that horses that live a more natural lifestyle are going to be healthier.

Here are a few suggestions for providing your horse with a way of life that is closer to what he might experience in the wild:

  • Feed lots of roughage, and often.  Horses have evolved to eat low-quality forage nearly 18 hours a day.  If your vet gives you the okay, provide your horse with plenty of grass hay to nibble on throughout the day.
  • Consider going barefoot.  Many horses do fine without shoes, and some experts believe this is the best way for them to live.  Research barefoot trimming, and talk to an experienced barefoot trimmer about the possibility of skipping shoes.
  • Provide plenty of exercise.  Wild horses travel as much as 20 miles (32 km) a day in their search for food.  Give your horse as much room to move as you can, and provide him with daily exercise.  It is unnatural for a horse to stand in a stall all day, so do whatever you can to get his feet moving.
  • Offer companionship.  Horses are herd animals and need the company of other horses for their mental health.  If your horse lives alone, consider  getting him another horse or pony for companionship, or keep him in a boarding stable.

By introducing your horse to as many elements of a natural lifestyle as you can, you’ll do a lot to keep him healthy and happy.

