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365 Days in Horse Country – Volunteering at a Rescue

Blog by Michael Stuart Webb | October 9th, 2013

365 Days in Horse Country – Volunteering at a Rescue


Your horse is loved and well-cared for, but unfortunately that’s not the case for many equines.  Horses, donkeys, and mules often end up in abusive or neglectful situations, and in need of dire help.

If you love horses and want to help equines in need, volunteer at an equine rescue.  All you need to do is contact an equine rescue within driving distance and offer your assistance.

Often, they are small groups with limited resources that are stretched thin trying to help as many horses as they can.  Many horses at rescues are in desperate need of a caring person to show them that humans can be trusted.

Most equine rescues need people to groom and exercise the horses, clean stalls, administer medications, and sometimes even feed the horses.  They almost always need help with fundraising, public relations, and even legal issues.  Without the help of horse-loving volunteers, they wouldn’t be able to do the great work they are doing.

Are you thinking about getting your first horse?  Volunteering at a rescue is a great place to start if you are.  Not only will you be doing a great thing by helping a horse in need, but you will also be gaining some invaluable experience!  Horses require a lot of care and dedication.  Volunteering at a rescue will help you decide whether horse ownership is really for you.  Should you decide that owning your own horse fits into your lifestyle, you may even be able to adopt one of the horses you have been helping to care for at the rescue you volunteer at. 

The best way to find equine rescues is to use the internet.  A search for equine rescues in your area will undoubtedly reveal at least one group in need.  When you contact them, describe your experience with horses, what you are willing to do to help, and any professional expertise you have that they may be able to use.  You may even want to offer a foster home for a horse in need.

